
I've always felt that Hawaii 5-0 and Miami Vice are such complementary pieces - both cop shows set in exotic locations, with snappy themes. Great mention!

I was going to laud Duane Eddy, but he didn't do the original. So I'll just say Henry Mancini is an absolute genius.

…as well as for making awesome fucking films.


That HBO doc on the Miracle on Ice is slathered in awesome sauce as well.

Really? Most circles I travel in tend to think that "A Day in the Life" or "Across the Universe" are the best of the Beatles.

Oh, no doubt, Motorhead are innovators. I guess I'd rank the true game-changers like Sabbath, Priest, Metallica (in that order) 1-3, and then there would be a lot of coin-flipping, head-scratching, and metal sabermetrics to figure out which of about 5 bands gets the coveted 4 and 5 slots.

Don Felder
Even IF - perhaps especially if - one hates the Eagles, one should still give Don Felder's bio Heaven and Hell. Gives some insight into the inner workings of the Eagles, in which case you'll know EXACTLY why you fucking hate Henley and Frey, in particular.

Lemmy says Motorhead plays "rock'n'roll."

I'd like to toss a bone to his acoustic album dwightyoakam@acoustic.net. It's certainly got one of the most stupid titles ever, but it's completely stripped down - just Dwight and a guitar, running through his songs. Probably one of my favorite albums ever.