
oh baby

uhh holy shit

I really can't imagine how anyone could be happy with this possibly being the series finale. It would be a good episode on its own, but the fact that the core group wasn't together and a lot of characters barely interacted with one another, if at all, left a bad taste in my mouth. I really hope this isn't the end

why did you feel the need to write an essay to say "i don't enjoy the show anymore so i want to take it away from everyone else who does"

A paramedic and brand manager for Paul's disaster relief non-profit? Sounds like a good guy. I wish him the best!

Sounds great.

I want to know if it's get a 4th season, as well.

Great news! I have a feeling I'm going to love this movie.

Okay, but what about Lilyhammer?!

Sounds amazing.

I'm a mess right now. I think this is the hardest a finale has ever made me cry.

Oh, gosh; whatever. This is an incredibly dumb argument. I take it all back; I don't think the episode was funny. I don't think Emery and Evan had good material. Balance is restored.

I don't even know what argument you're trying to start, or make. No one here is saying the LGBT community, their rights, and the stereotypes used against them, shouldn't be taken seriously. I'm just trying to say I thought the episode was funny. If that makes me horrible, I'm horrible. I guess if I'm capable of

She's 27?!

I did read the article, and I understand what he was saying. I guess I just don't take a sitcom loosely based on the life of American restaurateur, chef, and food personality, Eddie Huang, as seriously as you and the reviewer.

I thought this was one of the best episodes thus far. There was a lot of great Emery and Evan material.

Chuck, you fuckass.

I don't know what it was, but the scene where Phil tried to kick a bucket into the pool and fell in really got me.

I'm not familiar with him, but he sounds like he'd be a good fit. For some reason I can't get the idea of the Daily Show with Patton Oswalt out of my head.

Wow, that's horrible.