
Same as my UK showing. Me and my friends had been talking non stop for days about the film, fighting our hype urges, remembering its Disney and Abrams, its not going to be a new addition to the original trilogy etc. We left in silence and took a taxi ride home, in silence. Honestly didn't know how to respond to the

Its like a cargo cult saw the originals and cobbled together meaningful moments from the whole trilogy without undestanding the context so they fell flat. Other times things you expected would be twists or at least built up were just thrown out onto the screen without even a dramatic sting. I agree with your

Are you kidding? He was history's greatest monster!

Well there are more white people than black people in America and ever since Michael Jackson defected, it was just a matter of time.

So I take it Obama doesn't show up to sing "A Fiscal Stimulus Package for Christmas"?

I am one of those guys who pisses and moans about one hit wonders that clog the airwaves for months at a time but I have to admit I've never gotten tired of this song. Though that might just be because the video has a genuine sense of humour.

You Sunda Islanda… I got nothing.

It makes me happy when RLM bleeds over into other comment sections. Soon the internet will just be Mike Stoklasa screaming into a smash cut.

Bond in the book killed Doctor No by dumping 7 tons of guano on to him. He didn't even confront him, he just snuck into a crane cab and did it from behind. I laughed.

Anybody else find it ironic that comic books are the main reason silly films have to be dark and brooding these days?

Is this the episode with the signage "Boxing: Cruelest of Sports - Newsweek"?