
How I Met… MY Mother??!!!!

Ummm.. she is MUCH more attractive than her twin sisters.

it was just off-putting, to hear ted return from the bar and say "i just got rosalyn macguillicuddy's phone number!" as if she were someone everyone would know.
and janet's last name really should have been macguillicuddy. everyone's should, in fact.

This is EXTREMELY nit-picky, but I sort of couldn't get past Ted getting a girl's first and last names when he got their number. Who gives their full name when they give their phone number out?
I mean, I was still able to enjoy the episode, but still.

Put me in the "I liked it" camp, too. Especially since most of the episodes this season haven't been particularly great (except the beauty pageant one). I laughed an awful lot during this episode. And I was beyond overjoyed to see Jon Polito.

You should never use a preposition to end a sentence with.


ain't got a penny, boss.

Boy, you must REALLY think she was lying about that hotel story.

that clown car joke was the funniest part of the episode for me.

they're good bad, but they're not evil.

Kosmo Mac?

I'm with you on "The Tower Song"
That, and "High, Low and In Between" are my favorites. Oh, and "For The Sake of The Song" and "Sad Cinderella."

Ed Grimley
Anyone know if they're going to put the series out on dvd? Man, I loved that show!

I was hoping they'd mention the "Married With Children" episodes without the Bundys in it at all. I can't remember much but I know my head exploded.

Another Dragnet fan here. That and Witch Trials are my two faves.

Failed 2009ths. Also, Muswell Hillbillies rules. Sorry to jump on late.

I actually like the Box Tops just as much as Big Star. Well, that might be a stretch but ALMOST as much, at least. They are criminally under-rated and have a lot of great songs besides just "The Letter" and "Cry Like A Baby." The "Cry Like A Baby" LP is amazing, and I would certainly recommend that one if they have it

I think you were thinking of "The Flintstones: Viva Rock Vegas."

i'm with you.