I don't understand all the "this is the end of the world talk." Certainly everyone is used to the fact that Hollywood makes shitty, pointless movies. Hey, how about don't watch it!
I don't understand all the "this is the end of the world talk." Certainly everyone is used to the fact that Hollywood makes shitty, pointless movies. Hey, how about don't watch it!
My dream is to have "Blue Moon" off that same album as my wedding song. One of the prettiest songs, ever. AND appropriate lyrics.
My best friend's first dance at his wedding was to "Please, please, please let me get what I want"
i think it's "wire wheels"
What about The Marvelettes? Horribly under-rated. I would put them right up there with Martha & The Vandellas for sure.
Son of the Beach 2: Die, Darkman, Die!
that's "little girls," elvellon
Tom Waits, you HAVE to see C&M. It's probably my favorite Allen movie and easily ranks up there with his best.
No to split hairs, (esp. since I don't like almost any of his new movies) but Woody Allen was never married to Mia Farrow so Soon-Yi was never his step-daughter. And he never adopted her so he was never his daughter, either. It IS pretty creepy, but seriously, everyone on earth can be taken down a few notches for some…
"You don't have to yell…
…We're in a cave, not in the middle of a brontosaurus stampede."
the rule is- jack black is funny as a supporting character but not when he is the star.
what's up with the die hard 2 hating? that movie is fucking awesome! do i have to remind everyone that a dude gets killed with a fucking ICICLE in that movie?!
i think the chronological order is also the order from best to worst.
actually, there would be no apostrophe at all in weirs.
i guess i was just so relieved that it wasn't stella that i didn't mind the tease so much. plus, as far as i know, none of us have seen next week's episode yet, so who knows how it will play out.
i have faith in the writers, they seem to know what they're doing.
Totally paraphrased:
Gotta agree with Buckley here. I honestly gave it a shot, and maybe it's just that I find pot humor to be incredibly lazy ("Hey! these people are smoking pot! Wouldn't they autmoatically like a SONG about pot?!") and not at all funny, but I had to change the channel during that "Evertything's Better with Pot" (or…
Don't know if anyone mentioned this, but seriously, check out Brel on YouTube. As good as he is to simply listen to, watching him perform his songs live is breath-taking.
He also has an amazing dvd set, Comme Quand on Etait. The trick is, it is pretty hard to find a Region 1 copy (I got mine on Ebay). They sell…
i find the defendant not guilty on the basis that this girl's got some craaazaay titttiiiiees
doesn't look like you're doing him anytime soon, but george jones' autobiography is one of the most amazing, entertaining things i've ever read.