horny midget

One of the many things I love about Amazon is their willingness to allow their gimmick commenting community to stretch its comedic wings and thrive.

Perfectly understandable that Jell-o shot doesn't remember the movie, he was too busy being a big fucking douche.

Do any of these monkeys masturbate?

Hey, if this guy didn't want us to make jokes about him, he shouldn't have fucking died.

What's the only kind of dick that will never, ever rise?

ha ha ha ha ha haaa haa haaaa….

Never Forget!

Bro, chilax! Haters gonna hate. Bro's before ho's forever, dude. Let's hug it out.

you win, sir.

It was pretty good, but if they hadn't have fired Sean O'Neal, it would have been much, much better

surprised they didn't fire the intern too.

… and then George Zimmerman shot him in the face…

Don't forget sodomy!


A bat? It's a bat right?

Also… jew

I was confused too. I saw all these other bands on the line up card. Then I realized, since no other bands besides Dawes exist, it must have just been a typo, and Dawes is in fact playing about 80 glorious sets in 3 days. Huzzah!

A boo boo?

more like pee-funk-story, right bro?

Dawes is at Lollapalooza.