
One of the things I really found funny about Frasier were the efforts of the writers and stylists to make Bebe seem and look unlikable and cold as Lillith.

I can personally attest that we do have coke (and an abundance of other stuff flowing in from Overseas, Holland and eastern Europe). There has to be another reason.
I can just guess but I think it has to do with how movie financing is set up, the dominance of American Cinema and the loss of talent to the states and to

Oh there are some good directors I personally love Fatih Akin and Michael Haneke. But the way the Film production (TV and Cinema) is set to produce really, really awful "comedies" and garbage like "Die Wanderhure" is sort of frustrating. It's like they don't even try against the superior foreign movies that dominate

It's too bad the German Movie industry is so thoroughly fucked and we don't have people like him anymore. His TV movies had more unique style than 99% of German movies made for cinema in the past two decades.

Shouldn't it be SFCIS?

You don't even have power when you're an extra. There is no one with less power than you on a film set. Even the production assistants are higher up the food chain. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but still, wow.

Did you become this douchey because you're an extra?

This episode deserves an A soley for the final shot.

"well not exactly as seen in the show but" ….that's why they are called "Ray Bradbury's Laws Of Robotics".

One of the best lines in GOT history.

It's "Ich würde mich ahn ihn ranschleichen und IHM die kehle auflschlitzen." though ;)

See my translation above:

The Translation is: "Nein, das ist was sie wollen. Aber wie können sie alle tot sein? HAHAHAHA. Ich werde mich an ihn ranschleichen und ihm die Kehle aufschlitzen."

"[…]especially as it's the kind that demands others perform specific actions
for one's own benefit while petulantly refusing to take any action
You know, I actually agree with you on that for the most part. I just thought that your spoiler were so massive, they warranted a bit of care. I also dislike the huge

Well I for example skim a lot of comments for interesting content and reading SUPERSPOILER: "Jon Snow has been stabbed" would certainly get my attention.
If I don't want to be spoiled I skip comments with a spoiler tag.
It takes two seconds to write "Spoiler" and you might preserve someone a great viewing experience.

You could still just write like "spoiler" on top of your post.
I read the books too, but that seems like a mayor dick move.

"I will dance for you. Outside this fragile vessel, in the cold dark of space, we have no hope of survival" With that eighties synthie running in the background.
Kent is so fucking funny.

Which Tv show or Movie does that though (short of Alexander, Rome and sometimes Vikings, if it's convenient).
Still annoying though.
I wish sometimes people would give a shit about stuff like that. I'ts like the eighties where every asshole shot his gun from the hip.

Also, arent the sons civilians? I found it a bit weird that they fought to the last man. I mean, they have a cause but still. They should have broken at some point.

That short sight gag of Chad playfully fingershooting Kent and Kent responding by pretend shooting everybody in the room and then himself had me in stitches. It works so well for that character.