
Nope, Illusionist. Best movie of the year.

The 'the animated war short' your looking for is Persepolis.
Its on Netfilx, just rent it. Its not even old, 2007.
Its also not a short, its a feature, and its doesn't play on the heartstrings.

Yeah, but my Waldenbooks is still open, right?
and my B Dalton?
at least there's my trusty mom and pop bookshop.

You Shit
You guys really hated Big Love season 4.
Me too, we should go ambush chloe sevigny at a party together sometime.

By the way, hold that thought. Don't you guys just LOVE BUSTED TEES?
They're even greater than AUDIBLE.COM

M-O-O-N, That's how you spell 'I've never been able to watch the original, and despite considering myself a King fan, don't really care for the Stand.'

Bale would have another meltdown on set, run around screaming THANKIE SAI as anyone who steps into his eyeline.

You know, this is one of those things that is depressingly important that they not screw this up. The ron Howard move felt like a step down, but

exactly. Childhood visions of Ren and Stimpy have been replaced by angry blog rants about how if you can't properly design cartoon characters to look like old Hannah barbara toys, you should give up.
Unless you're an attractive girl, then you are cordially invited to come study under John's careful gaze.

it would probably be more in line with the book to insterperce a pre-exisitng film adaptation with the filmed zombie scenes.

bitch i downed a bottle of lafite barons derothschild, shit tasted like dr pepper.

HAha, exactly, they should have a warning, mid-film.

Steve Buschemi
as Oy

well damn man, when you say it like THAT, yeah its going to sound stupid.

Does it really count as singing if you hit every note on your way down or up a scale? I mean, if you hit every note, one of them as got to be right. This style of vocalizing just seems like cheating.
Why do so many female vocalists do this?

For the life of me, I can't get the appeal of this show. I can get past the traditional sitcom-ness of it, but I can't stand the writing. Its the same CBS Two-and-a-half-men style sitcom writing, only with nerdy jokes. and people keep recommending it!
What am I missing?! Is there a subversive level it? is it supposed

That's cool.
She must still be drunk to be dating Paulie D.

Everyone you've ever known has guest-starred in a very shoe-horned manner. I think they just have a script formula these days


so much so, I've said it twice.