
Its probably more a matter trying to stay honest to NO. I noticed a trend of not quite hostility, but a coldness towards NY specifically throughout the Southeast. I'd imagine its not so much that 'NY is a terrible place' as it is this need for New Orleans to represent itself among the bigger cities, and who's bigger

Thought it was better than Lady in the water. If you had gone back to the premise, chose a different plot, better characters who have non-lobotomized dialogue, and an ending that made sense, there's a decent movie there.

Are you telling me
They're trying to pass Beck's voice off as Michael Cera's?
Good luck with that

Its just a matter of time till they lower the age to 'however old Justin Bieber is'.

We don't have po'boys though. :'(

This episode serves as a constant reminder:
how important it is to have a steady reliable health care plan that includes dental, because you never know when a family member will have to visit the orthodontist.

Sounds Midwestern!

I think Incredibles and Ratatouille top out their absolute best list, Incredibles inching out a little bit more. While Ratatouille was absolutely beautiful, I hated every character. Well, maybe not the main chef, but Linguini, Remy, they just were unlikable. Compared with Incredibles which had empathetic characters,

Its basically Dear Zachary with toys.

Ghibli would be better if they stopped with the same story about mankind neglecting nature and nature taking drastic measures.

What, this is what counts as an obscure reference these days?

I'm with you on Cars, but fuck you, Monsters Inc 2 would be awesome.
Guess which one is actually happening.

I would be surprised if you didn't.

You are so far from being the only one. There are entire blogs dedicated to 'Waaaaahh! paper!"
Hell, I love 2d more and would like to see it used way more, but that whiny shit gets obnoxious.

That would be one colorful line.

Yeah, Its a well known fact that being rich solves all possible problems.
I'm poor, so I should know.

All 13 year olds have to think one Stephen Dorff movie is awesome. For me, that movie was Entropy. Thank god it hasn't come out on dvd, so I haven't had to face how bad it really is yet.

I saw Peter Dinklage walking his dog in the park once. I swear, he has a direwolf.

Do they sell these with false dust jackets for other books like finnegans wake or something? I'm insecure about reading wizardly books on the train.

Are you talking about Curb or Entourage?