
Thanks ever so much for posting this! It's brilliant, and I had no idea it existed. As you say, so affectionate and accurate - more homage than spoof. TY!

"OMG, guyz, remember when that bug flew down Michael's shirt?"

These gals opened for REM on some of the Monster tour dates (1995) - including in Milwaukee, which I attended. On the way into the Marcus Amphitheater I saw them advertised, and mistakenly thought Luscious was pronounced Lucius (LOO-shus). My stereotyping kicked into high gear, based solely on that misunderstood

Sure, some scenes were overly sweet, and some felt flat…but I didn't mind the flat ones, cuz…

Oh, you're pathe-ic.

"We waited for HOURS, Jim!" &
"Honey, it is four o'clock in tha MAWNIN!" &
also "Aww naw…BOTH brothas?"

"We waited for HOURS, Jim!" &
"Honey, it is four o'clock in tha MAWNIN!" &
also "Aww naw…BOTH brothas?"

Lincoln as a meth addict!  Damn but that picture looks like Daniel Day Lewis.

"Have you ever heard of 'filking'?"

Just reading the thread chronologically and your post made me laugh out loud for a half minute. Thanks, bell.

Whatevs - white angora is one of only 3 approved fabrics in which to play that song.

Don't forget: "We'll try it with a ukeLELE!" - Those are the kinds of decisions that make or break albums.  Just ask Bruce Dickinson.

(Nit-picky my ass!) Right on randoms!   #s 1 & 2 were both in my head before I read this review.  As for #3, my thought was more "I wonder if he had to go to more than 1 store to get all the sequentially #ed cards.  My Walgreens isn't That well-stocked."

No question on the greatness of these performances.  I credit Redford for bringing them out.  Azaria's constant wack-off gesture is priceless. ("Oh would you stop?!")

He's definitely lacking in vim, vigor, and vitality…