
Your players
Your embedded player hasn't worked for me for a very long time. Is there something I need to install? I usually just use the download link.

If you live in the U.S., Summer Hours is a 2009 film, and since you care about Criterions which are for the North American market, you do, so.

Rather surprised
I thought this was by far the best episode of the season. That "rumination" stuff you're talking about is the interesting part of Weeds. Sometime's it's poorly written, but here I thought it was rather subtle and geniunely insightful into the thoughts and feelings of the characters. I don't much care

A Gay
People really want to talk about Damon (is that his name) and his new semi-boyfriend? That could be interesting in the future, but right now it's the tiniest of things happening on this show. I don't neccesarily think the kid's bad news either just because he got detention (for making fun of a teacher's name

Hey maybe he should play him in a movie!

Best episode of the series.
This is the first episode I loved. I've enjoyed it this far, but this one was great. I love, love, loved the baseball scene, Adams' re-thought baiting of Joshua Leonard and Ray's newly developed blend of being able to read the client's and retain a bit of his prized over-machoness from his


That, Mr. Munk, would actually be surprising (and awesome) which is not something this show will ever be.

Sentence Tap
"OMG, I hope the boys like our songs! Tonight, both the amps and our curfews go to 11! etc."

Note: I loaded this several days ago and the other comment refering to this video was not there.*

What's it gonna be?
His silvery-spandex clad dance and back up vocals on that video are still one of the funniest things I've seen. I believe I saw it before Knocked Up, too, but didn't connect the two until quite a long time after. His stand-up is great too, by the way. Find the vide of him at the Apollo, it will

It was awkward because there were three in my group and we were there drinking lots of free champagne for a half hour before any of us had the guts to go up and talk to one of them, and that one was not me. So the one of us who did go kinda motioned us over and Luc said "ah, ah, yes" and then turned back and as we

Why didn't you say hi?

Oh, also Curb Your Enthusiasm, which looks nothing like anything else either.

I'd add…
I'd add East Bound & Down to that list of shows not made in the HBO mold. The first episode was inept and gritty, the second through fourth were a weird David Gordon Green concoction of dramatic and absurd camera placements, the fifth had Adam McKay's "I'm shooting Nascar" wide-ness and the sixth was in

Blerg. Thanks. Any idea which theater(s)?

Forced My Hand
I was lucky enough to see La Promesse at Lincoln Center a few months ago with the Dardenne's in attendance, and akwardly meet Luc afterwards, and I've been yearning to see Lorna's Silence even more since then. Unfortunately, now I'm back in Chicago and Sony Classics doesn't seem interested in booking it

Not so "Lucky" afterall!
These damned cigarettes with those faggy filters on the end, I've had it about up to here with them! When I reach for a cigarette, I don't want to have to worry about which end I put between my lips and which end I have the girl in accounting light for me suggestively…goddamned son of a bitch

Pfft…you know anyone who buys Fast & Furious on Blu-Ray can't read!

This seems like as good a place to ask as any…
Anyone want to sell me Fleet Foxes tickets for the Metro at face value? Eh? Eh?