I've said it before here and I'll say it again, Ocean's 12, underrated masterpiece.
I've said it before here and I'll say it again, Ocean's 12, underrated masterpiece.
It might have something to do with his patients not knowing his history, like anyone he'd like a fresh start and with the patents, there's an instant respect and he can be a hero without them knowing the shitty things about him.
That's a totally appropriate reference for this post.
"Are you going to go on like this for everyone?"
"Are you going to go on like this for everyone?"
I agree with your assessment of Pill this week, she was riveting.
I'd love to hear about HealtH, if only because it's impossible to see and I very much want to.
A Punker
I really love both this and Undeclared, both of which I've gone through a few times and not tired of.
Also the episode did seem a bit mean, even for 30 Rock. I don't mind that at all when it's funnier than it is mean, but Liz sticking her stomache out and Hayek telling her to to go fart in her slanket, and Tracy saying he's a ridiculous person and high functioning alcoholic were a lot more about the performers…
I also loved the use of the WGN morning clip in the Tracy shirtless montage, aswell as that other morning show where he talks about viETnam.
I checked the Hulu version and it was the shame there. Unfortunate.
Lazy Lutz
I just watched the cold open and did anyone else notice the TV that fell on Lutz just had a green screen on it? Unfinished television I say.
Craig Robinson might be doing his community service.
"Dwight seemingly had the power to dramatically tip the balance of the negotiations in Dunder-Mifflin's favor when he discovers that the Michael Scott Paper Company has been begging clients for more money but Charles wasn't about to take anything he said too…
Yep on Knope (Wordplay!)
I really like Amy Poehler's charicterization of Leslie and I think this show is doing the documentary-format differently than The Office. It's three episodes in, give it some time to find solid footing. The first three episodes of the American version of The Office were good (discounting the…
Save Chuck
I'm not a fan of Chuck, but I do support James at Northern Attack (The first and loudest champion of the American version of The Office), and he's great at organizing campaings for this kind of thing (he also did one for Friday Night Lights a year or two back), and he's starting one for Chuck.
Yeah it seems like ladies of all ages are crazy over Byrne. Even my Mom mentioned it, and he must be so overwhelmingly attractive that she risked the awkwardness of telling her child who she had the hots for.
I laughed reading an In Treatment post (well, the comments). Quite a feat.
Thanks Charles, that kind of sucks but I understand it given the money they're probably being paid to be at such a big festival.
A question.
Anyone familiar with Lollapalooza know if it's likely that any of the bands will do smaller shows in Chicago around the same time? I usually just tend to stay away from Grant Park during the festivals, because unless it's free and you're press or the band or whoever, they suck, but I would like to see some…
Yeah I hesitated as to whether or not I should mention the sitcoms, but frankly I can't think of many sketch shows still on the air.