Sa Scha

You didn't even mention that the kiss between Jaye and Eric at the end is one of the sexiest tv kisses ever. I think even Katie Finneran said on the commentaries that she would have to call Tyron Leitso.

I actually liked season 2 of Pushing Daisies better than the first year, because it got darker and wasn't so schmatlzy/sweet anymore.

Yeah, the WB should have gone for it. Wonderfalls was certainly better than the shit they premiered that year and they did pick up Grounded for Life a few seasons earlier for God's sake.

I think Minear is very Whedonesque. Even on shows where Whedon was not involved, they had a Whedon-feel to them.

The constant "and live" additions made me crack up so much. Tracie Thoms was so funny when she delivered that line.

I disliked Totem Mole when I first watched it, because it was so different from the rest of the series. However, now after having rewatched the entire series several times I actually like Totem Mole.

Oh, I actually liked the episode for giving me so much of Mahandra. I thought Muffin Buffalo was worse.

Eric looks really good without a shirt.

On the DVDs Caroline said she felt like a dumbass doing the music video and hated doing it, but kind of liked it when she saw it.

I think the Eric/Jaye relationship drama can be a bit much in the final episodes of the show. However, I like how crazy it gets with the muses and the finale is a really good series finale.

There should have been though. :(

I loved the Camp C.U.T.S. song. 

I didn't like the finale as much. Was kind of disappointed that they wasted so much time on a dream sequence, considering that they probably knew that this was the end of the show.

I thought the same thing about Abby's conversation with the life coach.

I want to like this show, but after five episodes I just don't care about any of it. The show tries way too hard to be edgy provocative premium cable content, but it is missing a mark. I think I would like the show more if it ditched all the stuff about Ray's family and his demons from the past and instead focused on