terburen belgian tribble

I'm finally watching these episodes and catching up on the AV Club reviews, which is why this is coming five months late, but oh my gosh, that is perfect.

Oh goodness, and the reverse is true. Having a young kid try to tell you jokes is one of the strangest things. I once got a whole series of "knock knock" jokes from a kid who had the basic structure down, but nothing that actually worked as a knock knock joke is supposed to.

Pop culture references get views. Mashups, doubly so. Geek culture things even more so.

More zen or tao-ish than nihilistic! It's not that none of it mattered, just that all that junk was keeping Jermaine in the same place without any chance at movement. None of that stuff was Jermaine's burden for any other reason than that he felt he ought to keep it around.

Pretty much dead on. They were perfect for being killed in massive numbers while comfortably sitting at a PG-13 level of violence.

We still have a lot more time to see Thanos built up, though. And Thanos has gone from being a sinister grin mid-credits after Avengers to being intimidatingly still and spoken about fearfully by the Big Bad in GotG.

This video might be a helpful little introduction for folks who aren't sure where to start with modern board games:

"Who gave this son of a bitch a green card?"