the real lee

Chopper was being a particularly violent little droid, murdering one of his kind simply because it was being helpful. either way, good episode, setting the stage for the rescue, and creating a thread for whatever Visago's request will be in the future.

The Rebel Alliance was also more than one ship. I feel like people don't understand how big a planet is. You try finding one specific car in a town. Now try to find one specific boat on the planet. There's a lot you need to search, and most grassy plains look alike.

You are wrong, he won't be rescued so quickly.

I'll be honest, when I was watching this episode, I was waiting for them to go down and rescue Kanan. I honestly didn't think the episode would end with him in Empire custody. I'm really wondering how long it will take to rescue him. I know they won't kill him off. Kanan won't go the way of Kenobi.