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    Weenie Hut Jr's!?!?

    There's a whole subgenre of breaking bad spoofs on youtube. The "Breaking Bad as a Sitcom" is gold. Gold, Jerry!

    There's a whole subgenre of breaking bad spoofs on youtube. The "Breaking Bad as a Sitcom" is gold. Gold, Jerry!

    I agree fuck that movie. The whole "take a whimsical children's tale and 're-imagine' it as more serious/adult/stylish/modern" has been done to death.

    I agree fuck that movie. The whole "take a whimsical children's tale and 're-imagine' it as more serious/adult/stylish/modern" has been done to death.



    This movie is bad, yes, and the gay-panic humor falls flat 90% of the time, but I did laugh out loud a few times - mainly at James Franco because he goes through almost the whole movie with a smirk on his face - it's the most ironic performance I've seen, like the whole time Franco's face is saying "can you believe

    This movie is bad, yes, and the gay-panic humor falls flat 90% of the time, but I did laugh out loud a few times - mainly at James Franco because he goes through almost the whole movie with a smirk on his face - it's the most ironic performance I've seen, like the whole time Franco's face is saying "can you believe

    3.99 on amazon. hellz yea

    3.99 on amazon. hellz yea

    Hall Pass was good for a few more laughs than most comedies. The beginning and end were weak. But the first few days of the hall pass were all pretty solid comedy. "what's the matter, you can't get any bigger, you little bitch?"

    I have trouble, outside of the internet, finding anyone else who liked A Serious Man. Thus I have plenty of opportunities to be a pretentious prick and talk about how moviegoers have no patience. But yea, I think it's their most masterful film and I find every viewing (seen it 3 or 4 times) funnier and more disturbing.

    Thanks for the heads up - I wasn't very impressed with Field Music's last album but I won't give up on them.

    Funny how Adele's non-singing voice is horrifying. But yea, the whole "Adele is so authentic" thing was clearly sold, as her act didn't really have any spectacle to it, unlike rihanna who really needed the spectacle if ya know what I mean. But yeah this was a waste of time

    @avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus : You don't have to be so mine about it…

    Yeah, New Moon is actually one of his best

    What makes you think they "agonize" over the scores? It's arbitrary what system they use and I'm sure AV Club reviewers would be fine using Pitchfork's system, and vice versa.

    Glad to see wild beasts -somewhere-. Probably my album of the year. End come too soon is definitely one of my songs of the year, along with kaputt by destroyer and give up the ghost by radiohead.

    The original Rayman owns too. It's damn near flawless, just really, really hard, which is probably why it didn't get the recognition that Rayman 2 did.