Adam Farrar


I don't remember watching the Tracey Ullman Show but I do remember my parent's making seven-year-old me watch "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" as it premiered by saying "It's a whole show of the Simpsons!" So I guess I knew who/what they were prior to 12/17/89.

You sure could use that flying motorcycle now!

Yeah. I understand what the difference is, that's why I said I understood what it was differentiating. My point was that "close-up" isn't necessary to add in most cases and seems to be becoming trendy in stories about magic. The headline for example reads exactly the same with or without "close-up."

I love the phrase "close-up magic." I don't think I'd ever heard anyone using the adjective before this year and now people/The Media usually say "close-up magic" instead of "magic." I understand there's a difference between an escape act and card tricks so there's a reason for the distinction. But I don't think

Eight awesome seasons plus 12 of increasing mediocrity equals… Rocky VII! "Adrian's Revenge"!

Get that season out of the way!

Awesome. I need to tweet this to people…

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha—-
(Falls over dead)

It was Not Me and Ida Know… oh wait, wrong comic.

I loved that he had a glove for his eyeless hand. Like an eyepatch! Awesome.

Looking at that list forced me to realize there have been a lot of terrible X-Men. They made the list 50 entries long because it's the 50th anniversary of the franchise but that's the only reason to have 50 entries. There are only about 30 characters on that list that mean anything and only 20 I would consider "X-Men"

I was there and despite my love of the guys it was the first time I was coordinated enough to go. It was a lot of fun though right now I'm blanking on any of the jokes.

Someone wasn't kind and didn't rewind?

In the comics it's run by the UN though often times writers and editors forget that and make it a US agency. I don't think they've specified in the movie/shows yet but I got the impression it was a US agency.

Well, it is. It's 5,000 pounds of gold bullion less valuable. It's still valuable but it's less valuable.
…Was this a trick question?

I hadn't heard that theory before and it's interesting but I think the movies would have made a bigger deal of the scepter if it was. If it was on par with the Tesseract it would be have been brought up in the plot. And would Thanos have given it to Loki?

My biggest concern with the Marvel Studios movies is that they might start out with someone with vision or let them figure it out as they go but then they bring in the mercenary directors for the sequels.

The spaceships scene was dumb. It was like Disney got confused and put 20 minutes of the Star Wars into Thor. The Asgardians have laser cannons? And repeating gatling gun style laser cannons at that? What?

Infinity STONES? So, the "tesseract" (cosmic cube), the aether, and what else?