Adam Farrar

Any time I see a World Series trophy, I imagine it getting dragged behind George's car, twirling and snapping. "Attention Steinbrenner front-office morons: your accomplishments mean nothing!"

She got the Governor Pataki interview!

That was brought up once. I can't recall the episode but he shows off some piece of machinery he removed and says he's the only one who knows what it is and where it goes.

What seemed odd to me was that the accidents only happened when he was demoing some new tool from his sponsor. You would think Binford or whatever it was, wouldn't appreciate seeing their new product cause accidents. Of course, they would love those Man's Kitchen of the Future or whatever they were.

But when I'm in command every mission's a suicide mission.

They really pulled a Homer on this one.

MC Chris?


It could go in the Percy Jackson sections.

AA is for Aardvark

However there has been no decrease in the occurrence of thematic muggings of families consisting of both parents and a young son.

@avclub-b97fa993e1616965ac436401de58042d:disqus It should be said that the laugh track is awful. I enjoyed the first two season and watched the third but then dropped off. I've heard the show is better now with the characters having actually grown but if I turn it on, I can't get through the audience going crazy for

I would add "corrupt."

But we've lost Retro Night, so that's a demerit to KOFY.

When suddenly, and without warning, there was this total eclipse of the sun. It got very dark and there was this strange sound like something from another world. (Da-doo) And when the light came back this weird plant was just sitting there (whoop-see-doo) just, you know, stuck in, among the zinnias.

Don't we have to try first before we can fail? That's a lot of work.

I would do one of these two:

But it doesn't compare to the ones Napoleon installed all over France.

I wish you would stop moving the goalposts here. We started at “the most famous female comic book character in the last forty years” and went to “post-Star Wars then” to “the only female superhero in the last SEVENTY years to be successful enough to warrant a film of her own.” And that last one isn't true because of

Wasn't it Kansas that was blown up in Our Worlds at War instead of just Kansas City? Damn aliens…