Adam Farrar

@avclub-33235e3d066bad95b6eea457826f7507:disqus Hah. True. Maybe I meant it in the "extreme, great" definition… but I didn't. You're right. I don't mind these super geniuses crossing lines but I get annoyed when I see one character go from having a little bit of technological knowledge build robots a few years later.

Inga: He vould have an enormous schwanzstucker.
Frederick: That goes without saying.
Inga: Voof.
Igor: He's going to be very popular.

I love how twisted the families of the Avengers are. I mean, sure there's the talk about how the Fantastic Four are a family but the Avengers really go for it.

I figured they were going this way too. Jarvis practically was Ultron at the end of Iron Man 3 when he was simultaneously controlling 40ish Iron Man armors to kill Tony Stark's enemies.

It's that terrible misuse of science in comics. If someone is a scientist in one field they automatically become a scientist in another. For instance, The Beast is another biochemist and he's always repairing Cerebro or the Danger Room.

Yeah. He's the Mifune character. Young, inserts himself, actually a farmer.

I was really disappointed that Miller came out. Everyone just stopped and let him babble for a few minutes and then the show resumed.

Craig Cackowski

I cannot stand TJ Miller and his two appearances on the show have only made me dislike him more. Both times he comes with gimmicks and nonsense that only seem to amuse himself. Eric Andre played around for a while but was actually more subversive than Miller without trying so hard.

The Batmobile didn't lose its wheel, Jason Todd stole it!

@facebook-1362402354:disqus I really want to like Hulk but it hasn't hooked me. This time travel is the best arc so far and it looks like Waid's really building to something. So I'm still on board.

The only thing of his I read was the two Annihilators miniseries that ended Abnett and Lanning's cosmic run. The stories weren't great but the art was awful. People's heads would bloat and bend and stretch. Limbs would bulk up and thin out at the wrists/ankles. It was hard to get through. This looks better but the

What is it funny or something?

Dick Tracy was the movie I scrolled through to find first before reading the whole interview.

I was hanging out with some friends when a Kick Ass 2 commercial came on tv. I read comics, they don't. I didn't see the first movie, they did. They got excited and asked, "Are you going to see that?" I couldn't help but laugh and say, "Oh, no. Never." They looked insulted and I thought later that I could have been

Outside the house, Mr. Simpson announced that Sally couldn't go to the One Direction concert

15 year old @avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus certainly has a leg up on 30 year old me about manichaesism.

Is it a meta thing that O'Neal's article is using the same tweets as Myles'?