That could mean "The Girl Next Door."
That could mean "The Girl Next Door."
*buys Apple stock at $10 a share*
He peaked at "friend of Andre the Giant."
I can't find it confirmed that Moore endorsed the adaptation though it does have his name on it. I do know that he did not work with Timm on it. JM DeMatteis wrote the adaptation and said "I seem to recall hearing through the grapevine that Moore liked the JLU adaptation of "For The Man Who Has Everything," but I…
The fact that the comics were starring the cast of the Richard Donner movies was too creepy for me.
Fire Truck! Fire Truck! Fire Truck!…
And their kids.
The theater better be equipped with a Gorilla Detector.
He also say "kay" for OK which she heard as "que?"
In Warlock's defense, his last trial ended with him being crucified as the Savor of Counter-Earth. His trials don't go well.
I'll bet that's the ending. Based entirely on trailers I foresee him running around for most of the movie without a costume trying different identities saving lives as some mysterious regular guy before he commits to being Superman with the costume. Once Zod is defeated and the world is recovering, Clark Kent is…
There are ads on this site?
Homer, Homer Simpson…
I love that one. For me the best part is the audiobook and the car swerving.
I watched it on VHS and then made a friend watch it and he loved it. We suggested it to a third friend who said he had rented it but turned it off at "upstairs masterbating to gay porn." We insisted he try again but I don't think he did.
Exactly! He was suited to it. He appears in the first Engineering an Empire which was a special on Rome. Then when it became a series he was the host onsite and walking through ruins (Michael Carroll did the voiceovers). In the episode "Da Vinci's World," Weller even goes back to where he lived in Florence with a view…
I unreasonably still hold a grudge against John Slattery for that.
I love that Cockroach Oil has a building but no phone because Cockroach wasn't expecting the question. But he's having a great time: "This is amazing. I wish we did this kind of stuff at my house."
I bought 6-8 in heads and regret it to this day. They take up more space than the other sets and are more fragile.