Adam Farrar

@avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus It's not just "bacon" anymore. So many restaurants I go to serve "apple wood smoked bacon." I've never seen it described as being smoked with any other wood. The apple people have gotten to the bacon serving restaurant people!

"Tissss," replied Aunt Helga.

@avclub-5f9f536414d688922b8162cca65b9655:disqus Thanks for clarifying what my memory obscured.

Impulse didn't seem happy that Green Beetle played with Blue's scarab. He said something like "great" but sounded fake.

I thought the Farm Team was fine but I wanted more Amethyst instead. Though I'm going to guess that it's Aquamandrill that we saw, not a baboon. That would just be silly.

Conner was probably better prepared to hear about Nightwing's plan after he spoke with M'gann at the end of "Cornered." She might not have told him what she saw in Kaldur's mind but she at least told him what she did and how she felt. Conner was aware that something else is going on and is more obvious to the risks

The AVC is my Number One source of TJ Miller news!

Wasn't "TGS Hates Women" a commentary on Jezebel's “Why Does the Daily Show Hate Women?” I didn't think it had anything to do with 30 Rock or Cerie. I always found it interesting that 30 Rock was defending The Daily Show since I remember Tina doing an interview disparaging the Daily Show in favor of her SNL.

I read the Bible. And it didn't mention no D-N-A. That's one of these THEORIES that gets thrown around by "SCIENTISTS."

A snake in the cash register! Great prank, fellas, great prank. Oh, I'm gonna be sick tonight.

Hah! Thanks for catching that. It sounded natural.

J'onn can bring up Modern Family telepathically though, so Batman won't know he isn't paying attention.

I liked that Tim said to Roy, "All Martians love television," since Roy probably doesn't know that having been on ice the entire time M'gann has been on earth.

I agree that they need to balance out the genders of the mission teams better. And the creators seem to know it since they did the episode of Batgirl, Wonder Girl, Bumblebee and Miss Martian, and there was Batgirl's line "would you feel the need to justify an all male team?"

Viacom paid a lot of money for TMNT, I doubt they're killing it on purpose. Just through incompetence.

At least the reviews have been coming out on Saturdays. Rather than waiting for the Sunday repeats.

There will also be a new Young Justice episode that's not listed here. Like last week. Odd.

'Cause I'm a pimp and pimps don't commit suicide.

I gathered that.

It's not Batman!