And in Hawai'i, say it's the Troy McClure masterpiece "The Greatest Story Ever Hula'd"
And in Hawai'i, say it's the Troy McClure masterpiece "The Greatest Story Ever Hula'd"
No, no. You don't get it at all. I mean "Jingle Bells." You know, Santa Claus and ho-ho-ho, and mistletoe and presents to pretty girls.
No, no. You don't get it at all. I mean "Jingle Bells." You know, Santa Claus and ho-ho-ho, and mistletoe and presents to pretty girls.
I liked "my loved ones and Yolanda." It reminded me of a typical joke at Dr. Zoidberg's expense on Futurama.
I liked "my loved ones and Yolanda." It reminded me of a typical joke at Dr. Zoidberg's expense on Futurama.
There's also the single squiggle of hair over his eyes. I've always assumed that's his bangs/hairline/what-have-you.
There's also the single squiggle of hair over his eyes. I've always assumed that's his bangs/hairline/what-have-you.
I don't think it's gonna work.
I don't think it's gonna work.
Same with:
Ted: First of all, congratulations on Earth! It's a most excellent planet. And Bill and I enjoy it on a daily basis.
Bill: Not to mention your other great planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus.
(Air guitar.)
Same with:
Ted: First of all, congratulations on Earth! It's a most excellent planet. And Bill and I enjoy it on a daily basis.
Bill: Not to mention your other great planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus.
(Air guitar.)
Ororo Munroe?
Ororo Munroe?
I live above a bowling alley…and below another bowling alley.
I live above a bowling alley…and below another bowling alley.
Don't mind if I do! Blarhaghalagh!
Don't mind if I do! Blarhaghalagh!
I used to work in a bookstore in the late 90s and a woman came in looking for books by Pablo Neruda and I couldn't help but mention that Lisa quoted him when Bart sold his soul. The woman shrugged and said, "That's pretty intellectual for the Simpsons." I tried to tell her it was a smarter show than she probably…
I used to work in a bookstore in the late 90s and a woman came in looking for books by Pablo Neruda and I couldn't help but mention that Lisa quoted him when Bart sold his soul. The woman shrugged and said, "That's pretty intellectual for the Simpsons." I tried to tell her it was a smarter show than she probably…
What I mean is that they brought up one of the best touching moments from an prior episode as a throwaway joke. It's one thing to run out of new ideas, it's another to use old ideas as cannon fodder.