Adam Farrar

And in Hawai'i, say it's the Troy McClure masterpiece "The Greatest Story Ever Hula'd"

No, no. You don't get it at all. I mean "Jingle Bells." You know, Santa Claus and ho-ho-ho, and mistletoe and presents to pretty girls.

No, no. You don't get it at all. I mean "Jingle Bells." You know, Santa Claus and ho-ho-ho, and mistletoe and presents to pretty girls.

I liked "my loved ones and Yolanda." It reminded me of a typical joke at Dr. Zoidberg's expense on Futurama.

I liked "my loved ones and Yolanda." It reminded me of a typical joke at Dr. Zoidberg's expense on Futurama.

There's also the single squiggle of hair over his eyes. I've always assumed that's his bangs/hairline/what-have-you.

There's also the single squiggle of hair over his eyes. I've always assumed that's his bangs/hairline/what-have-you.

I don't think it's gonna work.

I don't think it's gonna work.

Same with:
Ted: First of all, congratulations on Earth! It's a most excellent planet. And Bill and I enjoy it on a daily basis.
Bill: Not to mention your other great planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus.
(Air guitar.)

Same with:
Ted: First of all, congratulations on Earth! It's a most excellent planet. And Bill and I enjoy it on a daily basis.
Bill: Not to mention your other great planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus.
(Air guitar.)

Ororo Munroe?

Ororo Munroe?

I live above a bowling alley…and below another bowling alley.

I live above a bowling alley…and below another bowling alley.

Don't mind if I do! Blarhaghalagh!

Don't mind if I do! Blarhaghalagh!

I used to work in a bookstore in the late 90s and a woman came in looking for books by Pablo Neruda and I couldn't help but mention that Lisa quoted him when Bart sold his soul. The woman shrugged and said, "That's pretty intellectual for the Simpsons." I tried to tell her it was a smarter show than she probably

I used to work in a bookstore in the late 90s and a woman came in looking for books by Pablo Neruda and I couldn't help but mention that Lisa quoted him when Bart sold his soul. The woman shrugged and said, "That's pretty intellectual for the Simpsons." I tried to tell her it was a smarter show than she probably

What I mean is that they brought up one of the best touching moments from an prior episode as a throwaway joke. It's one thing to run out of new ideas, it's another to use old ideas as cannon fodder.