Adam Farrar

It's simple but I'm partial to "Does your route include the attitude store where we could stop and get you a new attitude?"

It's simple but I'm partial to "Does your route include the attitude store where we could stop and get you a new attitude?"

No for a horse you usually just tape a bunch of cats together.

No for a horse you usually just tape a bunch of cats together.

Ah, no time for that now, the computer's starting!

Ah, no time for that now, the computer's starting!



In a way, all of us has an El Guapo to face. For some, shyness might be their El Guapo. For others, a lack of education might be their El Guapo. For us, El Guapo is a big, dangerous man who wants to kill us. But as sure as my name is Lucky Day, the people of Santa Poco can conquer their own personal El Guapo, who also

In a way, all of us has an El Guapo to face. For some, shyness might be their El Guapo. For others, a lack of education might be their El Guapo. For us, El Guapo is a big, dangerous man who wants to kill us. But as sure as my name is Lucky Day, the people of Santa Poco can conquer their own personal El Guapo, who also

I'll defend the choice of "Arizona".
The state has 4 teams: The Phoenix Suns, The Phoenix Coyotes, The Arizona Cardinals and the Arizona Diamondbacks. They all play in the Phoenix metropolitan area: the Suns & Dbacks are in Phoenix proper while the Cardinals and Coyotes are in Glendale.

I'll defend the choice of "Arizona".
The state has 4 teams: The Phoenix Suns, The Phoenix Coyotes, The Arizona Cardinals and the Arizona Diamondbacks. They all play in the Phoenix metropolitan area: the Suns & Dbacks are in Phoenix proper while the Cardinals and Coyotes are in Glendale.

Two elderly people got badly scalded when they tried to climb into the lava cauldron.

Two elderly people got badly scalded when they tried to climb into the lava cauldron.

One of my favorite little touches is Homer thinking people's names begin with "Captain". Of course before he was renamed he himeself was "Captain Wacky."

One of my favorite little touches is Homer thinking people's names begin with "Captain". Of course before he was renamed he himeself was "Captain Wacky."

Cat fish?

Cat fish?

@avclub-a3116fcb0ff78581d441a3de68287e73:disqus I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do.

@avclub-a3116fcb0ff78581d441a3de68287e73:disqus I know now why you cry, but it's something I can never do.