Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness!
Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness!
Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness!
True. Plus before that they did announce to Springton that there would be no encore.
True. Plus before that they did announce to Springton that there would be no encore.
I know what an erection feels like, Michael.
I know what an erection feels like, Michael.
Today is a good day to run this what with it being Norman Lear's 90th birthday.
Today is a good day to run this what with it being Norman Lear's 90th birthday.
I thought he was some kind of outer space potato man.
Kane wrote a good contract. Then he rewrote it into a better one that said only his name could be on the comics. Nearly every comic he turned in were written and drawn by ghosts he hired. He didn't revise history, he held back the truth.
Kane wrote a good contract. Then he rewrote it into a better one that said only his name could be on the comics. Nearly every comic he turned in were written and drawn by ghosts he hired. He didn't revise history, he held back the truth.
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Trouble is, you have what my old music teacher, Mrs. Mellonger, calls "stupid fingers". With hands like that you'll be lucky to master a belt buckle.
Trouble is, you have what my old music teacher, Mrs. Mellonger, calls "stupid fingers". With hands like that you'll be lucky to master a belt buckle.
I remember being excited about the freeway chase before the movie came out, and it's the only thing I remember happening in the movie, but I can't remember what happens in it.
I remember being excited about the freeway chase before the movie came out, and it's the only thing I remember happening in the movie, but I can't remember what happens in it.
I'd watch an all Scrat supercut if it existed…which it probably does.