I hope General Raige fights General Grevious.
I hope General Raige fights General Grevious.
Cool story bro: A friend of mine started reading the novel and I told him how great it was and looked forward to discussing it afterwards. Months later I asked him what he thought of the end and he said he didn't finish it because he "could see where it was going." So I started ranting about Edouard and Danglares. He…
Cool story bro: A friend of mine started reading the novel and I told him how great it was and looked forward to discussing it afterwards. Months later I asked him what he thought of the end and he said he didn't finish it because he "could see where it was going." So I started ranting about Edouard and Danglares. He…
They've said in the commentaries that they refer to that voice as "The Wise Guy voice" and it occasionally gets called for in scripts.
They've said in the commentaries that they refer to that voice as "The Wise Guy voice" and it occasionally gets called for in scripts.
"Well, there's… Jerry the Cowboy. And that big dipper looking thing is Alan… the Cowboy."
"Well, there's… Jerry the Cowboy. And that big dipper looking thing is Alan… the Cowboy."
And an actual vet, and not someone who visited bootcamp.
And an actual vet, and not someone who visited bootcamp.
They're even better when you're dead!
They're even better when you're dead!
I had no sympathy for McCain when in 2008 he hired the guy who came up with that rumor to work in his campaign.
I had no sympathy for McCain when in 2008 he hired the guy who came up with that rumor to work in his campaign.
Sheriff Joe is doing all he can to get rid of the Spanish. But he uses the heat as a weapon.
Sheriff Joe is doing all he can to get rid of the Spanish. But he uses the heat as a weapon.
Cute! I was just quoting a Simpsons line but yours was fun!
Cute! I was just quoting a Simpsons line but yours was fun!
We were eating rotisserie chicken.
We were eating rotisserie chicken.
Batman should watch out for Goody Rickles. He causes more trouble than the villains!