If Zombie John Wayne told me to do something…I'd run away.
If Zombie John Wayne told me to do something…I'd run away.
Tha G-Spot!
What bothered me was that they weren't trying hard enough. I understand that Lilly wasn't going on the big rides so someone would be taking care of her, but how did Phil and Luke not have a strategy for the day? How were they not constantly running from one attraction to another? That's crazy.
The geography was really bothering me. They kept walking in or from the wrong directions.
No, they need more "Bort" license plates in the gift shop. I repeat, they are sold out of "Bort" license plates.
@Sunspear:disqus It was Mark Waid & Mike Wieringo who made Kirby god, but it still stands.The Celestials have been able to beat the pantheons in a fight and are older, so they're higher. Galactus is on the level of Eternity.
"Yee Haw!"
I admired Roger's long con. Everything happened because a caterpillar ate holes in Roger's sweaters and he needed to replace them with new ones stolen from Plantain Republic.
It moved the Mordecai and Margaret story forward with some awkward emotional scenes. Good!
The Living Tribunal is above Eternity, Infinity and whoever has the Infinity Gauntlet. Those three are above Odin, Zeus, etc. But the LT reports to The One-Above-All. So there is essentially a single god above everyone else.
They just introduced him in the comics last month. To capitalize on the fact that he's now dead. Creative synergy at it's best!
The Hulk and Banner are two different minds. The Hulk is essentially his repressed rage and anger and fear that's been festering since he was an abused kid. But the Hulk is not actually cruel or seeks out violence. He wants to be left alone but will attack whatever he sees as a threat.
Quoth the Onion: Area Man Has Far Greater Knowledge Of Marvel Universe Than Own Family Tree
You should have bought the foldout cover! Aww yeah!
Cap as an asshole is just such a terrible mistake. He's supposed to be the best of America, not a reflection of actual foreign or domestic policy. There are so many great stories about him struggling to bridge the disconnect between goals and reality and inspire. Saying, "but he's actually a dick!"…
Despite my love of cosmic marvel stuff I never picked the Korvac Saga up and was feeling guilty about that the other day. So…I've dodged a bullet? Hm, ok then!
The antidote to seeing editorial cartoons is http://agoodcartoon.tumblr….
I won't even look at a FBFW strip now.
Thank you.
While I don't have kids yet I am looking forward to being that kind of dad.
Also, Cliff Huxtable. "How ugly is he?"