Yeah, that was the vibe I got. The woman approached too casually to be a stranger, and it looks like whatever she said was the impetus for Tina crossing the street.
Yeah, that was the vibe I got. The woman approached too casually to be a stranger, and it looks like whatever she said was the impetus for Tina crossing the street.
She is amazing. And that last little "oh, that's not nice" smarm from the paparazzi was like his balls crying out for a kick.
It completely collapsed about two-thirds of the way through, and that soft-focus closeup on Seth Rogen's O-face was just the worst thing I have ever seen in a movie.
"Covenant" in S7. I like it a lot but I've seen it in lists of weak S7 episodes. (Of course, I've also seen "Badda Bing Badda Bang" in those lists, which is obviously impossible.)
One Weird Old Tip To Keep The Cops From Getting A Warrant To Search Your Basement
No, uh… it's you, buddy.
And once they get there, we get three good episodes out of it!
This week we see the Jem'Hadar as rad noble warriors, but next week we get to see the flip side of that.
That curious Jem'Hadar talking to Dax is kind of adorable for a genetically-engineered death machine. I like the way he asks "how old are you?"
You will die
Too much continuity leads to the development of distinct personalities that could form multi-generational bonds of loyalty, eventually leading to disloyalty. Most of the less 'loyal' Jem'Hadar we see are older.
Female changeling, hands down.
Or when they're forming lynch mobs to kill Odo.
Yeah, can you imagine Weyoun 5 making the decision Weyoun 7 makes at the end of "Treachery, Faith, And The Great River"?
Nope, it's one of my favorite running threads in the mid-series, and it helps guide the most important plot in the entire series to its conclusion. It puts Garak in a situation where he's not 100% in control, and I like that. And I find the performances charming.
I liked Primmin!
The production information about that episode is pretty interesting. Apparently it was insanely hot in that quarry, and you can sometimes see that the Jem'Hadar's eyes are red because their makeup is running into their eyes. (Can you imagine wearing all that appliance and makeup and body armor in 110+ degree weather?…
@avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus Dwe are not worthy!
Because you can't trust those filthy Cardies!
An inflexible idea that was completely inconsistent with TOS, too. TOS had money, violence and strife among humans, racism, all kinds of stuff that didn't fit into "Roddenberry's vision." And it's not just that the limitations of the TV producers held him back — the novelization of The Motion Picture he wrote is full…