
Thimbleweed Park is another game in this mold that came out recently, and it's been pretty well-received.

This is outrageous.

I'm on board for Cave Dwellers as best episode. It helps that the movie is kind of fun in its own dopey way. The lead characters are pretty easy on the eyes too.

Is "Dirtbag Left" a catchphrase from that podcast from the rich boys who talk about how they're more socialist than everybody else?

I didn't interpret either of them as being negative. J. Elvis even says he isn't.

My sense is that a lot of those guys have a mindset where they got burned on this stuff before, so they're skeptical from the start, and all of them have their own shit they're doing. Fans love the idea of a reunion, but it's different for the performers. Would most 40-something people be thrilled at the idea of going

(Old thread, but:)

Does she usually go by "Becca"?

She Wants Revenge was the band around that time that was the true Joy Division knockoff.

Pretty much. It's the methadone of Catholicism.

My mom gave me that book when I was a kid, for some reason. It was weird because both of my parents are liberal Christians (Episcopalians, although they're really crypto-Catholics). As far as I know she hadn't read it. I was already pretty much an atheist due to lack of interest, and that book turned me into a

Julius Caesar was a major political leader in a culture that made a lot of monuments, sculptures, engravings, etc. And yet most of what we have attesting to his existence is the writings of historians a century or more later — and his own writings, of course.

I don't think there's a rule against genre fare, just that the movie has to predominantly feature action scenes and a storyline that leads up to and reacts to said action scenes.

The Rotten Library was one of the greatest websites ever in its day.

There are some people here who are dicks about stuff like this, and these articles also sometimes attract randos from elsewhere on the Internet.

Singular "they" is much older than you. Much, much older.

How did you get the right angle to see it? Do you have a mirror over your bed? You totally have a mirror over your bed.

I always assumed it was a security thing — easier for the resistance to bomb a terrestrial installation than an orbital one. It also means that the ships carrying refined ore are in less danger.

Isn't that in TOS and thus pre-holodeck and pre-replicator?

This show is in the prime timeline, not the Abramsverse. As far as I know the leaked "Klingon" picture hasn't been confirmed as the actual design. And recasting younger versions of characters when the original actor is dead is completely unremarkable — First Contact recast Zefram Cochrane.