"I have a problem. My wife has started snoring really loudly at night, and it's been putting me off my stroke."
"I have a problem. My wife has started snoring really loudly at night, and it's been putting me off my stroke."
Fair enough.
@WrongSirWrong:disqus Yeah, lots of guys wearing nice shirts and butch lesbians and charming little kids walking with their gay dads. And a bunch of straight people. What about it?
Never married, but I spent a long time with someone who's probably the closest to being a "soul mate" I'll ever have. We understood each other completely, wanted the same things, and burned with passion and desire for each other. No matter what happened, we were always drawn to each other and always found ourselves in…
I kind of feel like if he was actually gay, he wouldn't be going out of his way to be so SHOCKINGLY TRANSGRESSIVELY gay.
"I'm a rebel, I'm a rebel, I'm a rebel…"
He likes himself AND the scale model of his own dick and balls he wears around his neck at all times.
I didn't read a single thing that made me not want to watch this movie.
I thought that until "Something's Got To Give". *shudder*
It really seems to be Alex Borstein who loves rape jokes.
The US is weird about France because they're the country in the world that reminds us most of ourselves. We share certain qualities with England, sure, but fundamentally we're hedonistic, arrogant, imperialistic, patriotic republicans just like the French.
@avclub-9afff0211eb09c350cfc3101fb8ad116:disqus I sign on to this notion.
@LaurenceQuint:disqus Nothing in that episode makes me think that Damar wouldn't kill in cold blood for the good of Cardassia. That's why he's a hero at the end — because revolutionaries need to be cold-blooded killers. It's also why he's a murderer, and that aspect of his nature doesn't change.
One of many times the actors did an admirable job protecting their characters from the writers.
@Mighty_Ponygirl:disqus Wow, thanks! That means a lot. I'm a big fan.
I checked with everyone in reach at work (by which I mean me and my fat ass) and we're both big fans.
"Waltz" is Dukat's first episode after "Sacrifice of Angels", so I think we're saying the same thing here.
@avclub-95d952510e02ffba7fa228e4d43866cb:disqus This is more analogous to the Indian government's efforts to prevent widows from committing suicide on their husband's funeral pyre than Terri Schiavo.