Eric F

No coverage for Key and Peele or just an oversite? I thought that was a well-liked show.

No coverage for Key and Peele or just an oversite? I thought that was a well-liked show.

I want to hear new things and not just what I already know I like. I want to hear something for the first time that I never knew I wanted. I want to be fucking surprised. Curating is fine and all, but there is such a thing as closing yourself off from the new. Most radio stations suck, but some are good, and that's

I want to hear new things and not just what I already know I like. I want to hear something for the first time that I never knew I wanted. I want to be fucking surprised. Curating is fine and all, but there is such a thing as closing yourself off from the new. Most radio stations suck, but some are good, and that's

Another full agreement here. I listen to podcasts when I go for my evening walk (or trip to the gym, in years past), when I have some kind of car trip, and when I walk somewhere nearby to pick something up. It's like 7 to 10 hours each week, some of which is spent listening to music. I've got about 8 podcasts I listen

Another full agreement here. I listen to podcasts when I go for my evening walk (or trip to the gym, in years past), when I have some kind of car trip, and when I walk somewhere nearby to pick something up. It's like 7 to 10 hours each week, some of which is spent listening to music. I've got about 8 podcasts I listen

There don't really seem to be music podcasts, and the few I've heard got shut down by the RIAA in basically no time. We have a good college station that plays just about every imaginable type of music, so I listen to that a lot (and it is largely ad-funded, so it counts as commercial.) There's 1 or 2 good stations

There don't really seem to be music podcasts, and the few I've heard got shut down by the RIAA in basically no time. We have a good college station that plays just about every imaginable type of music, so I listen to that a lot (and it is largely ad-funded, so it counts as commercial.) There's 1 or 2 good stations

Am I alone in thinking that they were clearly setting Kinsey up to show up again as a Scientologist somewhere down the line? Between the cult (particularly the bit about him being the best at recruiting) and the ham-fisted science fiction, it seems like the perfect fit.

Am I alone in thinking that they were clearly setting Kinsey up to show up again as a Scientologist somewhere down the line? Between the cult (particularly the bit about him being the best at recruiting) and the ham-fisted science fiction, it seems like the perfect fit.

I haven't seen it, but I have read the book.  Assuming the insurgent stuff is the terrorist sections of the book, it's pretty integral to the ending if they kept the ending of the book, which more or less makes the book. If they didn't keep the ending, then no, it's completely worthless. The iChat stuff is presumably

Actually, the jokes seeming from a different year makes a lot of sense, since the production code on this episode was 6AJN13, which means it was supposed to air about a year ago. With the long lead times for animation, that means it was written about 8 months before that, so that joke was written in April 2010 or so.

Yeah, mine is going from $16.87 (grandfathered-in $15.99 for 3 at a time plus tax) to $21.10 ($19.99 for 3 at a time plus tax) in January. That's not a small increase. I'm either going to drop down to 1 at time or drop it entirely just before the change. I don't have the kind of time I'd need to watch enough movies to