Wrong on the Internet

But even if we accept Lucy's father point, where we should ignore all the actions of the previous generations of Rittenhouse because they are more evolved now, honest - We are still reminded in this episode that Dr. Cahill himself threatened Rufus' family to force him to work for Rittenhouse.

Back when the AV club announced shows they were not covering anymore, they said the Exapnse would not get any more reviews.
Which is ridiculous since it's probably the best genre show on right now.
They can at least give us a discussion post, even if not full reviews.

I first noticed him as the big bad on Alphas.

Speaking of Dave Foley - Stephen Root would also fit in nicely here.

I was sure Renard's storyline this episode would end with Diana somehow indicating that she saw Meisner too. I was really surprised that it didn't happen.

That's the thing, I don't think the show is about who the aliens are or what they want. It is about the moral dilemmas that come with living under the occupation, about what leads people to commit terror acts. It is about the Bowmans and the conflict between bonds of family and ideology.

Possibly it's because you realize that having the world accommodate you at the expense of the less fortunate is not sustainable and will eventually lead to some sort of revolution which you don't want to be on the wrong side of?

I hesitate to speak on Zenrover's behalf, but I don't think they meant that her lyrics were bad, it's just that this is a fucking depressing song (and one of my favorites).

To be honest, I'm not sure what they could do.
I mean, they could have everyone in Marrakesh or Sapienza speak English in a local accent, but would that really be any more authentic?

Which is really weird to me, since Person of Interest was one of the most humanistic shows out there.

Dolores just wants to live. I'm not so sure about Wyatt, though.

This would have worked so much better (and had a much greater affect on Elena) had it been Jeremy.
But maybe the writers were afraid that this would really be a step too far.

That shouldn't be a problem. Oscar's storyline from the episode with his daughter was about him finding a way to tell her that he and her mother are getting a divorce and that he's not moving back with her.

Agent Gaad!

And I'm also looking forward to how they bring John Nolan in. They must bring John Nolan in, right?

Wait, this is basically a direct rerun of Revolution, right? Kripke show on NBC, and that was on after The Voice too, wasn't it?

Okay, I don't really know how to interpret these numbers, so hopefully you can help me: How worried should I be for Timeless? (I mean, other than the fact that it's a sci-fi show on one of the major 4, so there's no way it gets a second season).

Hey Linc, I'm disappointed that you skipped #26.

This isn't about getting someone who was going to vote for Trump to change their mind. This is about getting people who weren't going to vote because "both candidates are the same/bad" to see how ridiculous that is.