Wrong on the Internet

I tried watching the first season and didn't connect to it.
Where would you say I should pick it up if I want to see the progress of the relationship between Cameron and Donna? When do they start having scenes together?

Marisha said as much on the latest episode.

Upvoted because I have to upvote anything that mentions Torg.

Sounds like a less interesting version of the Tim Minear show Drive (starring Nathan Fillion) from a couple of years ago.
I'm refusing to look up exactly how many years because I don't want to feel old.

I used to think the end game was Bachman becoming Gavin and Richard becoming Peter Gregory.

Honestly, for the first half of the episode I thought she was Ellie Kemper.

You never know. The ranch could be their Alexandria.

Hopefully not FG. No sex for Ravi if she's a zombie.

That would also work for Eros/Cupid.

I think less Quark and more Garak. Or how I would imagine a pre-tailor Garak.

So The Walking Dead, Modern Family, NCIS and The Big Bang Theory who are all doing much better in the ratings than Elementary are all better written?

I was mostly happy about the comments because I could talk to people about Critical Role there.

No, that's too far-fetched. They will probably only have him become the president.

Well, I always loved Alpha Flight, so you're not alone.
Heather Hudson was always one of my favorite comics characters (and now that I think a about it, may be the reason why I've always been attracted to red-heads, especially if they wore glasses, and led superhero teams).

Are you saying that a Palestinian living in the west bank has the same rights as a Jew living in a settlement in the west bank?

But there are still blocks of right wing parties and blocks of left wing parties, and in the last couple of decades the right (and center-right) parties are only gaining power.

You have now.

It's not only because Jews should not settle in the occupied territories (not that it's stopping them), it's also because there are severe travel restrictions on the Palestinians.

Which is why Israel should strengthen the moderate forces in the Palestinian authority. Instead we are making conditions ideal for the militants to gain power.
It doesn't help that being a moderate on the Israeli side is becoming increasingly less acceptable by our PM and his followers.

So because I vote for Meretz (a left wing party that wants to end the occupation) I'm an antisemitic asshole? Really? Because I think that my country should not occupy several million people while denying them a voice in the government and think the best solution to this is to stop building illegal settlements on