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    I've only read his Autobiography, but, to be fair, I unfortunately don't read much, outside of material for classes, so that's the highest of praise from my part.

    As the AVC's self-appointed Craig Ferguson's Biggest Fan, I wish I had the time to write a long winded comment right now, but alas, I don't. So I'll just leave this here and hope everyone reads it:

    The night beckons. Its black fingers curl and uncurl, going like, "Hey, come here."

    Honestly, I'm just here to talk about the anime scene and the cat.

    Honestly, I'm just here to talk about the anime scene and the cat.

    I'm so, so glad they did. I let out a weird howl-laugh.

    Same. What surprises me most is the fact that we didn't hear about it. We always here "Community is doing a _____ episode!" Not knowing made it at least 76% better.

    YOU GUYS, Community needs to be discussed. No spoilers from me, because I wouldn't dare spoil that scene for anyone, but that sudden cut to that sequence, out of nowhere. THE BEST! I'm still laughing. Holy shit, Batman.

    Moira is RUBBER MAN!

    "So Ben who’s a sex addict, this is the first episode where he really fights that addiction. And the Black Dahlia supposedly had a sexual addiction problem where she would put out and do the casting couch thing and then feel like s— about it. So it sort of all intertwined. Really, she is there to inform Ben’s story,

    Moira revealed herself to Vivien as a male model one night.

    Also, Ben's air guitar skills.

    Please tell that Burned Face Larry is RUBBER MAN! in your head.

    I doubt the writers know who Tate's father is.

    Britton was fantastic in the scene with Constance. I legitimately got chills when she said "I was raped", but then the scene went on and on and nothing she was saying made any sense. Ugh, bless her soul.

    I forgot to mention Ben's evolving scene.

    I actually thought they were going for a Bad Boys "Shit just got real" homage with that scene, but then all the kids ended up saying were different variations of shit.

    It was a flashback. I was confused for a second, too. I would appreciate a flashback cue, maybe the twins doing their version of Lost's "Whoosh". Or Ben breaking the fourth way and saying, "Flashback Time!" with no sense of irony.


    It's that time, Ladies and Gents, get excited because it's a good one.