
Yes, pretty great.

If you get a chance to see TJ do stand-up, fucking GO see him. He's brilliant on stage.

It does seem odd they wouldn't include the one guy that only does impressions in the Top Gun audition sketch.

So, the Poehler character that bounces around yelling "RICK! RICK! RICK!" is what you're calling (too) similar to Nasim Pedrad's playing a freaked out, whining child?

There are Texans with clues?

Bedelia is awesome.

Good episode.

Hey Wendi, I'm a weird magician. You can call me Magic Mike.

Jonah was on Fallon last night and HE FUCKING WENT OFF. Seriously, take the 15 minutes to watch these clips in order:

Nick Lowe makes being older look fucking cool.

A-, really? Track 3 alone deserves a letter downgrade.

People of Earth: Stop giving George Lucas your money.

I gave up on this season after the fart.

Nick Lowe makes being old cool.

He should just make an instrumental guitar prog/jazz album.

The first one is pretty terrible as well.

This is an utterly retarded business move. Fuck Netflix.

primus sucks

fucking christ it's 2011 why does anyone care about primus anymore

If I remember correctly, everyone in this movie acts like they're so much smarter than everyone else, because no one else "gets it", sort of like that douche clerk in every indie record store.