
Prediction: Nick Swardson drinks himself to death after this movie (and his career) tanks.

Kulap's boobs…. yummy…

People of Earth: Please stop giving George Lucas your money.

Dumb tattoo on a dumb whore. Yay,

Seriously Sean, did Franco fuck your girlfriend / wife / mom?

Saw Duvall and the clip on Fallon. This shit looks perfect for typical golfers over the age of 60.

Neither of you "get" it.

Dan Aykroyd is fucking insane.

How do I donate for this benefit. Is it an electronic mail type of thing or what?

Is your name Matt Belnap?

I've seen these a few times and the first clip still makes me cry from laughing.

See, this guy gets it.
He gets it.

What's your favorite frustrating-dumb-thing about iTunes?
I have a long list.

Well there's a lot of people that don't really understand computers very well. Also these same people use iTunes.

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjack is a really good username, until you get logged out automatically and you have to copy/paste to login.

Lynn Thompson is looney toons
Seriously, watch this:

But is it as good as Beyonce?
She had one of the best albums of the year, you know…

gave it a B because Pitchfork had a favorable review…

I saw King of Comedy recently and Bernhard's big scene (alone with Jerry Lewis) is just CRAZY. I never really thought much of her, but that scene changed my opinion.