
I am starting a new thread to repeat exactly hat was complained about in the comment above mine.
Why do people do this?

When was the last time you used Netflix streaming, and on what device? It's pretty solid on PS3.

Well here's hoping
Hope this makes them more rare and I can finally sell every last glass, because I have a ton of them just sitting in a cupboard.

If you got the platinum trophy (PS3) in AC2 — meaning you played the shit out of it — does this Brotherhood expansion mean just a bunch of the same stuff basically? I don't think I'd want to play AC2 again, basically, after all those hours.

Scrubs was good?

Paul Haggis should never live down that horrible piece of shit Crash.

Saved is classic. If you know/knew religious nuts, you'll love that film.

The first pusher that ever made the stash
Is Rock Boys in this? Because that song is dope!

He was on Letterman this week as well. That's always a nice interview.

Lindsay Lohan has a weird body — that weird straight-no-curves like a boy thing happening.

Nailed it
The singer, I mean.

Someone has their Google Alert set…

Seriously, there's a certain age to see Caligula and if you missed it, then you missed it.

"HELLO HOMOSEXUALS", you fucking totally summed up the Caligula experience. Bravo.

Buck Owens faves
I love this one:

Nashville, CA

Back in my day we didn't have this internet stuff that these kids are spoiled with now. Back in my day we had to jerk off to Hee Haw!!

Haha…D'Arcy, seriously? Why they fuck would that matter? What did she contribute to the Pumpkins?


How can anyone stand listening to Corgan's voice though? I don't get it.