
He was almost cracking during that line.

Maybe the Feed The Animals experiment didn't go so well.

I searched for the filename and got that mediafire link. Nice.

Good to see everyone hated this episode
Because it was pretty terrible, all around.

This game sounds boring as fuck
You mean we get to watch a bunch of long cutscenes and walk around exploring every tiny corner of every room/map?!

Q: What's cuter than ^__^;;

Colleen Camp Appreciation Station
Post your jerking-it stories hereā€¦

At guitar playing, or just hanging out with?

Well he fucked Keef's girl in that shitty movie.

Obviously The Beatles get more than 5. I'd give The Clash 3. The Who get 5 starting with Sell Out (because A Quick One interrupts the run). Costello gets 5 easily.

Speaking of Ry Cooder, I was just watching Buena Vista Social Club last night and I think I would like to visit Cube. Is this legal for US citizens?

Flowers in the Dirt!

That's pretty much how I'd describe Kanye at this point.

Well he was singing. But I don't think he overdoes the guitar playing.

I watched the first 5-10 minutes of Lopez, and jesus christ that is is some unfunny shit.

I guess I'm the only person that skips all the beginning shit of late night shows. I only care about the guest interviews and the music performance.

Delocated might be the most consistently funny show on TV right now.

Jarvis Cocker is the only true rock star left in the world.

Mighty Joe Jon the Black Blond!

Obviously you people don't know any immigrants.