
complaint + username = hilarity

Also, that "hip" store was playing Led Zeppelin the whole time he was going off about the CD selection and what that place caters to and stands for.

Rollins is still that little scrawny pussy, pumping a lot of iron everyday, so he can stand up to the fucking bullies! Especially the females ones.

Well maybe now Steve Coogan will finally break big in the US with something decent. Maybe.

Oh yeah, a store caterging to young "hip" individuals with elitist musical tastes
and they play Led Zeppelin in this store.

Perfect role for Scarlett Johansson
Because she basically plays an alien trying to understand human emotions in every single one of her roles.

Wow, a woman that likes terribly bland pop music and doesn't understand computers?!

Yeah that's the only scene worth seeing in that flick — if you jerk-off to violence against women.

Tool > Randy Rhoads > Randy Jackson (all of them) > Randy Quaid > Radiohead > RaGeBeAtEr

Bill Clinton cares about black people
You feel me?

Working out so young probably stunted his growth.

Oh why couldn't this be skateboards?
Vince Neil commits manslaughter while skating drunk on the half-pipe.

If That's My Bush hadn't been canceled, we would have gotten our Kanye-West-moves-into-the-neighborhood episode.

simple equation
Tool > Radiohead > "I'm-a let you finish" > "George Bush doesn't care about black people" > Katrina, 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.

But…it was a book of crafts for retarded people.

Martha Stewart has a man's voice.

The Hollywood High School release is fan-fucking-tastic. It represents what people usually mean when they say they like Elvis Costello. We all know which period those people are talking about, and that show is exactly that.

It's like getting a misspelled tattoo.

Or gay porn stars.

What makes these songs rare?