
Can you change your user name to Astral Weak?

AND staying in separate rooms because they're divorced.

All I want for Christmas
Is Charlie Sheen dead. Come on death-pool!

Wahlberg vs. Cates!!
Who has/had the better tits??

No, because 10 years from now you can still say "I never saw Avatar." on the internet.

What has happened to OUR America??

You like women that wear window drapes for pants.

After Caprica
BSG just sucked so hard. I'm talking about after New Caprica, not the spin-off. The spin-off sucked from the beginning.

Just wow.

I kicked that fucking worthless map in the creek!


If Netflix starts turning into Blockbuster, I will have to cancel my account. Fuck that shit.


Katy Perry
If this was Katy Perry's second book in a few years, Claire Zulkey would have probably given it an F.

That would work El Pato, if this was an actual forum.

So Peckinpah has two films where the women raped, actually kinda like it? Wow.

But didn't Bush take more holidays and vacation time than any other president? I thought that was a thing. Didn't know it was a thing against Obama now.

Entire episode
This should be the entire episode so they can actually cover a decent amount of topics, or at least have a longer conversation.

Not funny
Seriously? That's a dumb, dumb joke that's going to get old after the first week.

How, in an way, was Vicky Cristina Barcelona "rad"?