
Seems like she just adds the bluesy bends and he sticks straight to the notes with a vibrato.

This is why Knoxville is fucked up:

Primus is the kind of band that even during the 90's people knew they'd be embarrassed for ever liking them, 10-20 year later.

If you made it through the 90's without getting an awful and embarrassing "tribal" tattoo, then you probably don't care how this sentence ends anyway so whatever man.

So you've heard him on podcasts as well. Yeah…

He's gay and talks all gay and stuff and don't you GET it??!

Hey I saw that clip! It didn't seem funny to me though. I don't think show is for me.

Oh man, their scene meeting in the bar. Probably the best stuff of the episode.

I LOVED this film!

When I see this band on TV, I laugh and change the channel — like when they were on SNL. I mean seriously, just look at them.

Megan will die in Vietnam, from rape!

I hope the next season is set in the south. Also, they should jump forward to the early 70's so everyone is dressed like a clown.

I downloaded the Beatles mono and stereo sets the day before they were released.

I've never seen Con Air. I just downloaded it and holy shit the first 10 minutes is probably the most retarded shit I've ever seen.

Are you famous?

was seriously awesome.

She withered and blew away.

Cerie/Katrina Bowden is probably in a hospital for her eating disorder.

It doesn't seem bad. C+ seems average and I think Noel's grade could be a B for some people.

The audience cheers the loudest when they left the stage. I think that means they don't want those two on the show anymore.