
You know The Departed is a remake
The original is called Internal Affairs and it was made in Hong Kong and it's so much better and and and and duuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Jersey stereotypes
I saw a young couple in the subway the other day. I almost bumped into the girl. I'm glad her boyfriend didn't kill me.

It;s like a Muslim/Jewish thing. But with tits and asses.

When the fuck are they going to remakes Richard Pryor's Movin'??

Fat Glen is clearly a lineman, and never has to move more than a few feet during any play. You retard.

Oh god TEH PHOTOSHOPPhotoshop
Nice 'chop d00d.

"I have hepatitis!"

It all sounds a bit like the Socratic Method.

I canceled my season pass because I thought the 2nd season premiere was so terrible. Damn, I might be missing out.

I'm pretty sure spunk means male ejaculate in every English speaking nation.

Art/music classes should be a place for kids to just be creative and expressive during the school day. They need outlet. And they should be encouraged to think creatively.

Was this guy in Pavement? Tell me again why I should care.

Don't post so close to me.

Seriously question about P.E.
Do kids get to exercise at school anymore?

NCLB — No Child Left Behind. It's the first search result on Google.

Do you think these problem children fear their parents enough? Maybe they need more beatings. Seriously.

But where does the suspicion end? Most people want a shorthand of the truth/facts that can be accepted, so they can get on with things. If everyone becomes so critical that they have to go research for themselves — sure they'll become fairly intelligent in the long-run, but most people aren't going to actually do that

Dasani has a gay bottle. Aquafina wins.

She was great on Doug Loves Movies, and that's about it. She even admits it.