
Don't fuck with prescription meds.
And if you're over 50 and doing cocaine, good luck.

I watched Beyond the Mat last night.
Just saying.

I don't have anything against gay people.
Or gay sex even. What I hate is gay entertainment. It's the worst. Worse than Mexican telenovas.

I saw Bad religion once. It was pretty cool. This would have been around 1997-98. Goldfinger opened.


You know Eric Stoltz was originally cast as the lead and they shot some footage dur dur duur duuurrr

inducted because MCA caught the cancer

Joby be trollin'.

Would you say that to Tom Petty?

Do people bother him or it such a regular thing that no one really cares?

All these old rockers were cool, and therefore lucked into the greatest lives ever. They should be fucking happy.

John Bonham say he done forty already but now he steady, and then he went XP.

Did you also realize that hacky sac is fucking gay?

I really don't give a shit if people like/love/hate Led Zeppelin — but saying John Bonham couldn't keep time (live, or in studio), might be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read in my entire life.

This band wrote a song about John Cougar Mellencamp.
And that's pretty cool.

I'm pretty sure that this band is exactly like Weezer — their audience never ages. They get each new generation of 15 year-olds.

Oh, so now it's a B+? Wow.

An A-…

Shia was on Letterman tonight. He claims he started with 20 grand and turned it into 450k, over the course of the movie's production. He says it's over 600k now.

I've never heard/read of anyone saying they shouldn't make a second season because the 1st was so perfect
Seriously, people have said this?