
I didn't read this interview
I just want to say that I jerked off to the rape scene in Irreversible.

Jezebel is for retards.

It's funny because these guys actually use really nice amps, but still make them suck.

What's a bunt?

Fucking hipsters
just look at 'em…

Does this one have voice-over the entire movie (or most of it) that tells you what's happening and what the characters are thinking/feeling? I really love that.

I read the GQ piece about Shia LaBeouf
Supposedly he got so into the research for this role, that he actually got good at trading. Like so good he was making tons of money for himself, and people were taking stock tips from him.

This guy's banging Scarlett Johansson, correct?
I hate this guy.

I deleted this episode from my DVR without even watching.
Did I really miss anything good?

4. Gabriel did exactly what he was asked to do.

Meh is how I feel about Iron Man movies, but I'd rather have to look at Scarlett the whole time, instead of that smug douche Tony Stark.

Ditching all the characters and moving production from Wilmington NC (a micro-Hollywood city) to Puerto Rico of all places, had to add a bit to the hiatus.

It is dark, and awesome.

You need better disc media.

hit me up with a shrimp.

My favorite line EVAR.

I gave it 4 stars on Netflix.

Tenacious D

Answer: Lobsters 1