
What's great about North Carolina?

I gave this 5 stars on Netflix
You people suck.

Yeah, Kenny Powers doesn't need full-page ads — he just shoots for EVERY male magazine cover in the last 2 months.

Could he kill True Blood and Dexter instead?

All yoga is Fart Yoga.

Was there terrible voice-over as well?
And did he talk to his dead father's ghost?

Amy Poehler hosts the SNL season premiere this Saturday
You know who else would be a good host? Will Arnett.

Hey goat, that's a nice beard.

The tracks are already mixed down with their pans and effects, and the drums are all one track. Good luck making anything sound truly different.

Yes they work.

During that long battle scene at the college, I realized I don't really care about that stuff in this show. It was kinda boring me.

This was so obvious when it originally broadcast too — Phoenix snatches his sunglasses off and immediately shoves his hand at Dave to thank him. Wow, so crazy.

If Socrates is a man, and all men are evil, then Socrates is evil.

does anyone remember peg bundy
before the boob implants?

I kept feeling like this episode was some shit for people that Entourage. They went huge with the budget, like they wanted to grab new viewers, but you wouldn't know half the shit going on if you hadn't seen the first season. Nick Kroll going "My wife is hotter than her, hotter than her…" is funny because it's true.

I watched last season because it was on after Sunny, and I was curious to see what Paul Scheer and Mark Duplass were up to with this.

I felt the same way. I took this show off my DVR's season record list, after watching this nonsense.

I went to Boston once, for a week, and the only person that was a dick to me the entire time had that shithead accent. Everyone else was nice though.