
Eat my fuck.

Does anyone remember Peg Bundy before the boob implants??

Doesn't matter what she ends up looking like, you could always just imagine that you're banging Leela.

This is like being in 1969 and learning that Zep was putting out their second album in a few weeks, and then you were all like, "Yeah, but are they better than the Stones?"

Haha, it's so fucking obvious too, once you realize it.

Um, some of these motherfuckers are from the church group.

I didn't read this interview
But I'm starting a Facebook group: "AV Club — STOP posting news/updates/reviews/anything related to Weezer".

These guys are like G Love and Special Sauce
But all G yo, without the love of special sauce.

You should drive through the American south sometime then.

From the trailer, looks like this latest one is all voice-over narration bullshit, yet AGAIN. No thanks Woodman.

I liked Hank's line about wearing out the operation joke — if they keep going with it, it will come around to funny again.

It was a good fake-out.

Yeah that was her. Nice catch.

The Edge
Wow — if you like non-reviews, the AV Club is the website for you.

They can take those Boston accents and shove them up their asses!

A better documentary
might have been how his brother's life and death affected him.

She was also pretty good in The Girl on the Bridge…