
How could Zoidberg afford a $3 umbrella in the first place? Maybe Hermes would have been the correct character for this joke.

She's BRILLIANT in All The Real Girls, where she goes full retard. She should've won an Academy Award for that performance.

I bet Pitchfork gave this an 8.4
Does the band Interpol still have that monotone lead vocal?

Too bad there can't be only one of you people.

You know that C+ means a good average, right?

A C+ on the Tobias scale means I'd usually rate it a B- to B+.

Well Louis CK is a fucking retard.

She's kind of not that great.

"sheep" — really? teadoust is a 15-year-old douche.

I think it's fucking awesome to know that Lobsters works at Target.

Scott Tobias is a retard.

Everything about Sons Of Anarchy sounds retarded as shit. Stop watching this retarded shit.

What the FUCK is is a drive-in?

Carlos Mencia failed? Motherfucker is rich, right?

The impact of the punchline is lost when the comic is too retarded to speak it.

Gee I wish I could harass a company online, just to pay me a bunch of money
Usually have to fake an injury first.

Please stop posting "news" about Weezer
k thx bai