
I hated this movie
I didn't think it was funny in its irony (except for the Huey Lewis scene) and I certainly didn't think it was scary, or really all that gruesome.

I'm with you weej. I think the problem with Bale is he's never done a role using his actual speaking voice (that I know of). I've always thought his speech pattern was weird and affected, so he was a shitty actor to me. When I finally saw an interview, I was shocked to learn he has some weird accent an isn't actually

B on the Tobias scale
That means I'd probably give it a C- or D.

I've seen this 4-5 times and it just gets funnier every time.
It's so fucking cheesy. I hope that upon screening it the first time, the entire band was rolling on the floor laughing at every single bit.

It's just a reference to their Sells Out album cover.

Tough Crowd failed because it was a bunch of comedians sitting around talking shit. And since comedians are generally charmless, fucked-up, barely functioning sociopaths, the general public didn't want to watch this mess.

The mosque is already there and operational. TERRORISTS WIN.

Jim Norton was good/bad on WTF because he just talked about all his fucked sexual preferences. If you can listen to that without picturing him doing this stuff, then it was good.

Everyone should own guns. I'm all for MORE passion murders.

Colin's delivery is terrible because he can't get a sentence out without stumbling over at least one word.

I thought Though Crowd was just a bunch of comedians/buddies sitting around insulting each other…

I put in the address of the White House
When it did that spiraling down bit, it felt like riding the bomb (ala Dr Stranglove) right into the oval office! Arcade Fire is for the terrorists.

Does anyone actually think that Snoop Dogg has integrity? Wow.

Zooey Deschanel can't sing for shit.

I've never heard a Katy Perry song.

I've seen Arcade Fire like 5 times live.
But I don't really care about downloading or buying this record. I know I'm going to hear it at some point, in someone's car or at a party or where ever, so I just don't care.

Gentrified boroughs are better!

Yeah I don't think any of us know him, so how long has he been in the business?

I played the demo
Seems to me the greatest sin would be the bad camera and cover problems.

I can't believe you gave this an A-
I mean seriously — an A fucking minus? I enjoyed it for all the lurid bullshit because I'm a sicko, but it's complete trashy bullshit and RIDICULOUS at almost every turn. Not even close to an A-.