
jesus fucking christ go back to jezebel you fucking slut.

The sluttier the better. Girls, please have the Gaga'ish ass though.

If you use Apple's products
I do not like you.

I hope this book is full of puns, because The Daily Show audience LOVES that shit!

lipstick on the clam is like a Max Hardcore thing, or something.

Dinner for Schmucks seems like it would be a like C, or C-, from the trailers.

I usually just scroll to see if it says "In French…" and then close the browser tab.

White ENGLISH people too, playing funk….

Buck Owens!
and Don FUCKING Rich!!

I played the demo
It was kinda annoying. I think I didn't even make it out of the restaurant before quitting and deleting.

My favorite character: Rampop
Not even one of the "Kids".

So has anyone found the video yet? Someone had to be filming at the right moment, and they've uploaded it to Facebook by now.

I think she's already shown where they go (in the film SherryBaby).

Who hasn't tied one on with some Boone's Farm, and not referenced GIRL DRINK DRUNK?

He's a hugely famous comedian — you know — a profession for extremely screwed-up people. Why would you think he'd be nice?

I've pretty much hated Jennifer Aniston ever since she was on the Jon Stewart Show (90's MTV) and was a totally cunt. But, recently she just seems hotter to me, older.

I clicked on this news update and now I have a virus

She was on The Daily Show the other day. I don't know who Emma Thompson is, but she was looking pretty hot.

Ima git you high Craig!