
Jennifer Aniston has gotten hotter with age. It's the lack of children.

It's pretty great when a movie's plot is based around something that is completely false.

Butt Rock
At its finest.

Oh you mean a shirt designed by Gallo… not a shirt with his face, or cum, on it!

I think the joke is it's a bad/exaggerated impression.

Just go peruse Jezebel. I'm sure it's all over that shithole.

Watch this!
Seems like most people that posted didn't even watch this show. But seriously guys, watch this show!

Kevin Smith is kinda like Weezer.

Or you know, create a whole movie about it.

Zack and Miri is good because he finally hired a few funny actors that can delivery dialog, and the scenes are edited well — which was a big plus. Watch the extended scenes and you see how it could have been a typical Kevin Smith flick.

I mean, he's not Danzig or anything.

Luke's robot hand should vibrate.

I believe they released those picture story books and record/tape story books before the movie.

I think they included the original ET on DVD, back when Spielberg changed the guns to walkie talkies.

I'm still waiting for Lucas' art films, now that he's finally finished with Star Wars.

Best comment: "They're cheering because George Lucas is suckering them into spending more money."

It's cool that George Lucas put that Jabba scene (with new CGI Jabba!) back into Star Wars, because it totally ruins the reveal of this mysterious and dangerous gangster, at the beginning of Jedi.

Is Avatar a good or bad movie?
Someone tell me, because I'll never watch it.

I'd rather fuck them (G&O), with their weird faces and bodies.

Or yell out the punchlines.