
I want a poster of this RIGHT NOW…

I'm glad they videoshopped his fat ass out of VH Guitar Hero, and put in Wolfgang instead!

I just want to see the "More than fifty minutes of unused footage".

Oh god, I'd forgotten about Blues Hammer… (!)

3rd question for Terry Zwigoff: Is all the extra footage on the Criterion version of Crumb, just the same stuff from one of the previous releases? I have the first release if that helps.

1st question for Terry Zwigoff:
Why do you think farts are so funny?

You get to drink from, THE FIREHOSE!

One of those babies was RAPE baby! You monster!

Maybe she was just simply writing a letter.

Christina Hendricks was on Fallon last week, and she actually has quite a girlie voice, like high-pitched. I didn't think she could get any fucking hotter.

Yeah seriously people, just go get a good collection/anthology of Sam & Dave for your first Stax record.

I don't watch movies that feature middle-aged women.

I think that one monstrosity is from Nailin' Palin.

I was curious about this flick until I read "a porn star recruited by the FBI to fight terrorism". Fuck this shit.

I've been going to this high school for seven and a half years. I'm no dummy.

I'd forgotten about Star Trek. Oh god what a mess. It's just seems so weird to cast her for that part, with the obvious and horrible make-up. I guess they contracted her for a prequel/sequel.

Want whale sperm with that?

Mean Girls is only good for jerking off to Lacey Chabert and Amanda Seyfried.

Racism, in a movie from 1949?!

But it wasn't regular old Aquafina/Dasani, it was mineral water. That shit's still as queer as a three-dollar bill.